Thursday, June 28, 2007

Probably a future disappointment in the making

I suddenly had inspiration yesterday to begin a blog. I talked myself out of it last night but it didn't seem to last 24 hours. I get stuck on things like this, always finding new interests and things to occupy my time. I'm going to be fairly bored for the next month so it seems that this curiosity is at an all time peak to help me compensate for all my extra time. Sad thing is that I never seem to be able to manage that time in a productive way and inevitably just end up wasting it all with nothing to show for the day.

I've tried this blog thing before, but I'm doing something different this time. Completely anonymous! I think that's what was lacking before. I didn't feel safe enough to just write whatever I wanted to in case someone I knew would choose to judge me in a way I couldn't bare. And even though I would love for certain people to read this blog (despite it's pointlessness) and know who's behind it, I think I'll feel even better about it if no one chooses to read it but it's just floating out there in cyberspace anyway.

So, until tomorrow, goodnight!

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